Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber
The 17 year old, Canadian native,  pop sensation Justin Bieber is huge hit all over the country. In 2007 the only fame Justin had was making a few you tube videos. When artists like Usher, Ne-Yo, and Stevie Wonder found about the you tube sensation they immediately contacted him. Justin was getting over 10,000 views on you tube just by word of mouth. Justin grew up in Stafford, Ontario and when he was 12 he entered a local singing contest. He was only 12 when he entered and never sung before besides singing around the house. He ended up getting second place against kids who have been singing for years. Justin then starting posting his performances online, he first posted them only for his family and friends to see. But then other people watched the videos and started subscribing to them and that's how his manager found him. Seven months after Justin posted his videos on you tube, he was flown out to Atlanta to meet with his elite colleagues. When Justin was in Atlanta not only did his manager find out that he was a talented singer, but Justin could also  play the drums, piano, guitar, and the trumpet. While Justin was in Atlanta he went to the Studio where Usher was at, he then sang for Usher and he wanted to sign Justin right then and there. But Justin also had a meeting with Justin Timberlake who also wanted to sign Justin. It turns out the Usher had a way better deal for Justin and he turned down Timberlakes offer. In October of 2008 Bieber signed with Island Records. His first album was that year called " My World." Justin's message to his fans is " you can do anything if you put your mind to it." Justin grew up below the poverty line and didnt have as much as the average person did. This made him a stronger person and allowed him to succeed in life and let him go above and beyond.

His first album

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